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Club Tennis History

The club was founded in the spring semester of 1992 as the Texas A&M Tennis League.   At the time, there was another organization called the Texas A&M Tennis Club, but that organization was purely for social purposes.  The TAMU Tennis League was founded with the intent of playing in USTA tournaments and competing against tennis organizations at other nearby colleges.

In the club's first year, there were about 30 members that had to practice at a nearby racquet club because A&M would not allow practice on campus.  Like today, practices were held on Wednesdays and Sundays.


The club exploded to 120 members in the fall of the following year, forcing the club to move its practices to a local middle school.  The club leveled off to about 60 members that spring, and remained at about that level for several years.

In 1998, the club was allowed to practice on campus on the old varsity courts after the current day varsity courts were built in the spring of '98.


In the early 2000's, the club started playing our current day favorite game of Clean Winner and made the move to the current day practice facilities of the A&M intramural courts once they were constructed.  About 2-3 times a year, the club presidents of A&M, Rice, and UT would set up matches with each other just for fun.  During the spring of 2000, the National Intercollegiate Recreational Sports Association started the National Tennis Club Championships.  The National Tennis Club Championships started off small, but grew once the United States Tennis Association got more involved in 2003.  


The spring of 2004 marked the first Texas Sectionals event, which is the same event the club plays in today.  Once the Texas Sectionals became a hit, the USTA began regional events also began and became more prevalent.  In 2005, the name of the organization was changed to the Texas A&M Tennis Club as it is known today.


When the Texas A&M Tennis Club has competed, there have been results.  The club has won Texas Sectionals every year except for 2010.  In the years of 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007, the Texas A&M Tennis Club is proud to be called national champions.


Today, the club consistently reaches above 200 members each year and still plays clean winner as its favorite game on Wednesday and Thursday nights.  The club continues to grow and improve itself and has a bright outlook for its future. 

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